Creating a self-sufficient fortress that will sustain you and your family.

The Ultimate Guide To Survive a Crisis


Written by an experienced Navy SEAL with firsthand knowledge in survival and resilience, this manual offers practical and effective ways to prepare your home for any catastrophe.


From Basics to Advanced Preparedness,It includes guidance on effectively managing resources at home, maintaining safety, and ensuring health during emergencies.

Easy to read

Combines structured content, practical advice, clear illustrations, and plain language, making it accessible and comprehensible for readers without specialized backgrounds.

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What Can A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide Do for You and Your Family?

Step-by-Step Guidance

It provides a detailed checklist for emergency preparedness, helping readers systematically prepare their homes and ensure that no critical items or steps are overlooked.

Psychological Preparedness

The book also discusses psychological strategies for staying calm, managing stress, and dealing with tense situations. Helps readers maintain a clear mind and effective decision-making during emergencies.

Survival Skills

The book offers a range of practical survival techniques and methods, including how to cope with power outages, store food and water, manage resources, and protect family and property.


The book covers the basics of self-sufficiency, such as how to stockpile and manage essentials, how to perform basic food storage and preparation, and how to set up and maintain emergency equipment. 

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Prepare for the Unexpected

It will be you who controls your own security, and you won’t need to depend on an increasingly gutted and unreliable police force.

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Protect your future

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Happy customer reviews

I've been watching a show about prepping on National Geographic and this caught my eye. It was a very easy read, and the advice is practical and well-rounded.


This stuff is pretty new to me, but the step by step instructions are clear and I like that it even covers things like fitness routines, self-defense techniques, and off grid energy solutions. Great resource!


There's a nice mix of real-life case studies and actionable advice that I think is great for knowing what to expect and how to mentally and physically prepare for different situations.